Mayonez is a type family that balances formality and warmth, with a touch of popular culture inspired by two classics: Cooper Black and American Typewriter. Its characters derive their serious tone from a rational structure and vertical stress. To achieve a friendlier feel, it incorporates elements like tangent strokes, cupped serifs, and curvy contours, which soften its appearance without making it informal. While Mayonez showcases its best at larger sizes, it also performs well and stays legible in smaller scales, making it a versatile choice for scenarios where a moderated playfulness is desired.


The Sunshine State
A delicate balance of malt sweetness and subtle hop bitterness, delivering a flavour profile that’s crisp, clean, and refreshingly smooth. Best enjoyed chilled.
Deliciosa Jamoneta
Élaboré avec soin à partir d’un mélange de flocons d’avoine croustillants, d’amandes grillées, de douces canneberges séchées et d’une touche de miel naturel, ce granola est l’équilibre parfait entre des ingrédients sains et un goût délicieux. Conçu pour vous apporter de l’énergie et vous faire sentir bien tout au long de la journée.
Buying options

Please make sure you have read and understood the license before buying. If you require a license tailored to your particular needs or have any questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Mayonez XLight
$ 29.00 USD
Mayonez XLightItalic
$ 29.00 USD
Mayonez Light
$ 29.00 USD
Mayonez LightItalic
$ 29.00 USD
Mayonez Regular
$ 29.00 USD
Mayonez RegularItalic
$ 29.00 USD
Mayonez SemiBold
$ 29.00 USD
Mayonez SemiBoldItalic
$ 29.00 USD
Mayonez Bold
$ 29.00 USD
Mayonez BoldItalic
$ 29.00 USD
Mayonez Heavy
$ 29.00 USD
Mayonez HeavyItalic
$ 29.00 USD
Mayonez Black
$ 29.00 USD
Mayonez BlackItalic
$ 29.00 USD
Mayonez Family
$ 29.00 USD
Mayonez XLight
$ 29.00 USD
Mayonez XLightItalic
$ 29.00 USD
Mayonez Light
$ 29.00 USD
Mayonez LightItalic
$ 29.00 USD
Mayonez Regular
$ 29.00 USD
Mayonez RegularItalic
$ 29.00 USD
Mayonez SemiBold
$ 29.00 USD
Mayonez SemiBoldItalic
$ 29.00 USD
Mayonez Bold
$ 29.00 USD
Mayonez BoldItalic
$ 29.00 USD
Mayonez Heavy
$ 29.00 USD
Mayonez HeavyItalic
$ 29.00 USD
Mayonez Black
$ 29.00 USD
Mayonez BlackItalic
$ 29.00 USD
Mayonez Family
$ 29.00 USD